import java.Math.*;
import java.util.ArrayList;
scene = window.getScene();
// display dialogue to get relevant parameters
orientList=new BComboBox();
scaleField = new ValueField(0.01, ValueField.POSITIVE);
sampleField=new ValueField(16,ValueField.POSITIVE+ValueField.INTEGER);
comps=new Widget[]{scaleField,sampleField,orientList};
labels=new String[]{
"Scaling Factor", "Number of Points per segment","Orientation of Curve"
dlg = new ComponentsDialog(window, "Select Parameters for SVG Import",comps,labels);
if (!dlg.clickedOk()) return;
sampleNumber = sampleField.getValue();
// initialise
// display file chooser to select file
fc = new BFileChooser(BFileChooser.OPEN_FILE, "Import SVG File");
f = fc.getSelectedFile();
in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
bezPoint=new Vec3[100];
smoothness=new float[100];
F=new Vec3();
A=new Vec3();
B=new Vec3();
C=new Vec3();
D=new Vec3();
id = null;
eof = false;
do {
// find start of path data
while ((s = in.readLine()).indexOf("")!=-1) return;
// find start of actual data points
dataSplit = new StringTokenizer(s);
while (dataSplit.hasMoreTokens()) {
tok = dataSplit.nextToken();
//System.out.println("tok=" + tok);
// if we found the 'd' attribute, advance to the 'M' token within it
if (tok.equals("d") || tok.startsWith("d=")) {
while (!tok.endsWith("M")) tok = dataSplit.nextToken();
// if we see an id attribute, grab it as it goes past
if (tok.equals("id") || tok.startsWith("id=")) {
// find value
while (tok.indexOf('"') == -1) tok = dataSplit.nextToken();
id = tok.substring(tok.indexOf('"')+1);
// find end of value
while (id.indexOf('"') == -1) id += " " + dataSplit.nextToken();
id = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('"'));
if (tok.indexOf("/>") != -1) return;
// end of line - read next line
if (!dataSplit.hasMoreTokens()) {
s = in.readLine();
dataSplit = new StringTokenizer(s);
dataSt=dataSplit.nextToken(); // read first 2 points of data
dataStSp=new StringTokenizer(dataSt,","); // parse token separated by ','
Ax=Double.parseDouble(dataStSp.nextToken()); // convert to actual numbers
F.set(Ax,-Ay,0); // remember first point
type = '\0';
data = true;
// parse remaining data points
do {
// if no more tokens, then get the next line
if (!dataSplit.hasMoreTokens()) {
s = in.readLine();
if (s.indexOf("") != -1) {
eof = true;
dataSplit = new StringTokenizer(s);
// get the next token
// if token is alpha, then it is a new type specifier - advance parser.
// Otherwise, type is the same as the previous type
if (Character.isLetter(dataSt.charAt(0))) {
type = dataSt.charAt(0);
dataSt = dataSplit.nextToken();
switch (type) {
// if the next chunk is a "C" then it is a cubic bezier curve
case 'C':
case 'c':
// *** CUBIC BEZIER ***
// bezier curves have 3 sets of x,y coordinates
dataStSp=new StringTokenizer(dataSt,","); // separate x and y vals
dataSt=dataSplit.nextToken(); // read 2nd point of data
dataStSp=new StringTokenizer(dataSt,","); // separate x and y vals
dataSt=dataSplit.nextToken(); // read 3rd point of data
dataStSp=new StringTokenizer(dataSt,","); // separate x and y vals
// if token contains '"', then data stops there
if (last.indexOf('"')!=-1) {
data = false;
// create the vector points
// calculate the curve points for this segment
//using cubic bezier equations
for (i=0; i") || dataSt.endsWith("\"")) data = false;
} while(data);
L=new Vec3(Ax,-Ay,0); // remember the last point
//System.out.println("cp=" + currentPoint +
// "; size=" + (currentPoint*sampleNumber) +
// "; len=" + bezPoint.length);
// resize arrays to exact size
if (bezPoint.length > currentPoint*sampleNumber) {
t1 = bezPoint;
bezPoint = new Vec3[currentPoint*sampleNumber];
System.arraycopy(t1, 0, bezPoint, 0, bezPoint.length);
t2 = smoothness;
smoothness = new float[bezPoint.length];
System.arraycopy(t2, 0, smoothness, 0, smoothness.length);
// create the curve - set closed=true if F == L
bezier=new Curve(bezPoint,smoothness,Curve.INTERPOLATING,F.equals(L));
// if we haven't already found it, look for the id attribute
if (id == null) {
do {
// end of line - read next line
if (!dataSplit.hasMoreTokens()) {
s = in.readLine();
dataSplit = new StringTokenizer(s);
tok = dataSplit.nextToken();
//System.out.println("tok=" + tok);
// id attribute - grab the value
if (tok.equals("id") || tok.startsWith("id=")) {
// find the start of the value
while (tok.indexOf('"') == -1) tok = dataSplit.nextToken();
id = tok.substring(tok.indexOf('"')+1);
// find end of value
while (id.indexOf('"') == -1) id += " "+dataSplit.nextToken();
id = id.substring(0, id.indexOf('"'));
if (tok.indexOf("/>") != -1) break;
} while (true);
// default id, if no attribute found
if (id == null) id = "path";
// orient in YZ plane
if (orientChoice==0)
window.addObject(bezier, new CoordinateSystem(new Vec3(0,0,0),0,90,0), id, null);
// orient in XY plane
if (orientChoice==1)
window.addObject(bezier, new CoordinateSystem(new Vec3(0,0,0),0,0,0), id, null);
// orient in XZ plane
if (orientChoice==2)
window.addObject(bezier, new CoordinateSystem(new Vec3(0,0,0),90,0,0), id, null);
} while (!eof)