You'll find below a short description of the plugins currently available from the scripts and plugin manager. If available, a link will lead you to an extensive plugin description (or short manual).
- LogPlugin
With this plugin installed and enabled, a log file is automatically maintained of console output from AOI. Events such as exceptions or trace information can be captured into a file this way, without requiring AOI to be started from a command prompt.
- Memory
This plugin allows to monitor JVM memory usage and therefore to guess how much memory a scene uses.
- PolyMesh
This plugin features a polygonal mesh (4 or more edges sided faces) that can be created end edited within AoI.
- Render
This plugin makes it possible to save/load renderer configurations and load a specific configuration at startup. It also includes a 'batch mode' where several renderings to be carried out one after the other can be specified. Rendering task priority can also be set using the batch mode.
- Solid Tool
Editing Tool for objects that must conform to the limitations of solids.
Export/Import facilities for STL files.
- Telefish
This plugin provides a collection of geometry importers, a heightfield generation tool, and a number of camera filters.
- Tree and Plant
This plugin allows to generate realistic trees and plants using recursive procedures.
- VectorRenderer
This plugin is a Vector renderer. Intead of generating photo-realistic images, the objects are rendered as wireframes or polygons.
This plugin contains an XML Export/Importer. An entire AOI scene file may be dumped to XML. The XML generated is not restricted to a specific industry standard, rather the format ensures that every data value in the scene is represented in the XML.