Author: François Guillet
Version: 1.0
Date: 09/04/2005
Memory Monitor
This plugin allows to monitor JVM memory usage and therefore to guess how much memory a scene uses. When invoked, it displays the following window:
The total memory is the memory that the JVM uses from the system. Some of this memory is free (the free memory) either because the JVM is keeping some available, either because memory that has been used is now freed.
Maximum memory is the maximum amount of memory the JVM has been told to use in any case, usually the -Xmx flag value. The JVM won't go over the value.
When free is close to 0 and total is close to max, then the out of memory error is close... (though not guaranteed: the JVM can look for unused resources and free them, thus recovering memory).
The interval at which the plugin displays information can be set using the Refresh interval spinner.
The plugin stops refreshing display if the Stop button is selected. Quit quits the plugin until reactivated by the tool menu entry. Closing the window quits the plugin.
The source package can be downloaded here. Uncompress the file in Art of Illusion source main directory and build the plugin using ant:
ant -f MemoryPlugin.xml