AoI icon

Author: Julian MacDonald

Version: 1.9b1

Date: 11/30/2004


This script preferentially targets textures to particular parts of a triangle mesh. There are 3 types of targeting:

  1. on concave parts of the mesh, i.e. vertices on an edge which joins 2 faces that are below a certain tolerance angle (useful for e.g. Dirt textures)
  2. on convex parts of the mesh, i.e. vertices on an edge joining 2 faces with angles above a certain specified tolerance (useful for e.g. scratches/dents
  3. vertices of the mesh which face upwards (in World coordinates), useful for Dust/Snow textures

In each case, textures are applied by creating a layered texture for the object (or adding a new layer(s) if the mesh already has a layered texture applied). The texture layers are applied per-vertex as an overlay (maintaining bumps).

The script initially prompts for the user to select which of the 3 targeting types to apply (more than one can be selected) - it then goes through each in turn, allowing the user to select the texture to apply, the tolerance angle (if appropriate) and the Probability (that a particular vertex meeting the tolerance angle requirement is assigned that texture). Note that the script can be applied any number of times, each time a new layer is added to create, for example, several layers of dirt etc.