AoI icon

Author: Yokiyoki (Julio Sangrador-Paton)

Version: 1.8

Date: 06/24/2004


Build the model of a string of text, in the form of simple approximating curves, tubes which follow these, flat triangle meshes or extruded solid triangle meshes.


  1. Choose one of the above at the top of the dialog.
  2. Choose a font face from the list. Be aware that (on linux at least) a great deal of them make the script crash. It seems to have to do with the font being Adobe type, but I'm not sure yet.
  3. Mark if you want it bold or italic.
  4. Write the text you want to be modelled.
  5. Enter the tolerance value, which grosso modo tells how accurate the outlines will be (the smaller, the more accurate).
  6. Enter the thickness of the mesh (for 3D meshes) or of the tube (for tubes). 7. Enter the degree of subdivision you want for the meshes, which can be 0 or a positive integer. A value of at least 1 is recomended to avoid artifacts. You will seldom need more than 2, and might do well with 0.